Phew. I really am a bad blogger. I can't even remember the last time I posted something. But, I realized I haven't had a whole lot of a house related things to post about. We ended up basically taking the winter off from doing any projects as we spend all of our time snowboarding. Now that the weather is getting nicer, we are getting back into the remodeling mood.
On Saturday, Scott and I were running errands and ended up over by the Sears Outlet (our favorite appliance shop EVER!). Since we were so close, we decided to stop in with no plans of buying anything. We like to browse and keep and eye on their deals so when the right price is available, we can buy it. Well, turns out our fridge that we had wanted was the right price this weekend. We have a KitchenAid range and dishwasher and knew we wanted to stay with the brand as we have been so happy with them so far. Sears never seems to get many KitchenAid appliances into the outlet, so we figured we'd have to pay full price.
We lucked out! Nestled in between rows and rows of fridges, we found the KitchenAid we have been looking for! With a 29 cubic feet and a list price of $2,900, we would have never been able to get a new fridge had it not been from the outlet.
Some other random things that have happened in the months since we I last posted...
We got a new rug for the family room and my mom passed us down a wonderful set of furniture! Ignore how dirty the rug looks in the was new and still shedding!
Baker and his best friend Oakley wrestling on the new couch :-) |
Scott's best friend moved in with us from Washington. Meet Russ!
We got a TON of snow...over and over and over again.
My mom came and visited. We walked around Red Rocks and it was absolutely gorgeous!
Scott's mom, sister, brother in law and their kids came and visited for almost 2 weeks over New Years. We spent most of the time up in the mountains.
Scott's nephew teaching him to snowboard on the bunny hill |
Scott and I went home to Seattle for a visit in January and made some new friends...
Feeding deer in my dad's backyard. |
and I got to catch up with my baby brother.
It's been a busy few months! We are excited to get going on some of our spring projects now that the weather is (almost) getting nicer!