Monday, September 24, 2012

Gallery Wall

Most of the weekend I spent dying from accidental gluten intake.  Let me just tell you, if I had any temptation of ever wanting to cheat, I am completely over that now.  Worst. Pain. Ever.  Ok, probably not EVER.  But it really did suck.  It was about 3 days of miserable-ness.  On Sunday, I was finally feeling like doing something somewhat productive.  I worked for awhile on stripping the buffet.  That is turning into quite a process.  I am now on to the legs and other curvy parts which is much harder to scrape then the flat surfaces.

Other exciting news - we hung our gallery wall! We had a bunch of random frames we've collected over the years that we wanted something to do with.  We don't really have any surfaces to put frames on, so we decided to make a collage, gallery wall.  A lot of the frames are empty still, but here is a general idea of what we've done:

Templeton (the deer) is my favorite part!   And the ampersand.  I have a slight addiction to ampersands.  We also (finally) reupholstered the chairs.  We had the fabric and the seats all ready to go but hadn't got around to them.  I realized that the picture of the completed chair is on the other camera! Boo!  I will post those soon.  I LOVE them. 

I ordered some living room chairs (the floral ones won!) and will get those delivered on Thursday.  After that, it's on to couch shopping for the living room.  It feels so good to finally have some rooms coming together!

PS - Meaghan Dunklee - do you see those empty frames? FIX IT!!  To anyone awesome out there reading my blog, go check out my friend's side business - Ex Libris Journals and Ex Libris Paper Designs

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